

Phone: (269) 883-6417

Building Location

Our building is located on the Northeast side of Battle Creek.

1021 Wagner Drive
Battle Creek, Mi

Service Time



True Freedom

True Freedom

    Nov 14, 2021

    Passage: Acts 21:17-26

    Preacher: Dave Proulx

    Series: Acts

    Category: Salvation, Evangelism, The Law


    As Christians who live in the US, addressing freedom isn’t always easy. One the one hand, we need to appreciate the freedom we have, and those who allow us to have it, including God. We are among few nations in the world who truly enjoy freedom the way we do, and we don’t want to lose that. It is truly a gift. On the other hand, we need to be careful not to make freedom an idol for us. While political freedom is a gift, as Christians, our freedom isn’t tied to politics; it isn’t tied to a country; it’s tied to our union with Christ. That’s why Paul can say to those Christians who were under oppressive Roman rule, “For freedom Christ has set us free.” (Gal 5:1) He wasn’t talking about being politically free, but spiritually free–and free from the Law of Moses. So if that’s the case, then why does Paul sometimes submit himself to the Mosaic Law? As Paul enters Jerusalem and encounters the Jewish Christians there, he is going to do something that will surprise us, especially in light of his freedom in Christ. What can we learn from his understanding of freedom that will help us learn to be truly free?
