

Phone: (269) 883-6417

Building Location

Our building is located on the Northeast side of Battle Creek.

1021 Wagner Drive
Battle Creek, Mi

Service Time



The Way of Jesus

The Way of Jesus

    Oct 17, 2021

    Passage: Acts 19:21-41

    Preacher: Dave Proulx

    Series: Acts

    Category: Salvation, Evangelism


    In a lot of ways, it has been a discouraging last 2 years. In times like these, it can be easy to wonder, “Is God still in the business of changing lives?” Often, when we fail to see life change happening, we can turn to other things to try to solve the problems in our world. But what God is going to remind us of again in Ephesians 19 is that yes, God still is in the business of changing lives, and the way He is still going to transform the world is by changing lives through Christ.
