

Phone: (269) 883-6417

Building Location

Our building is located on the Northeast side of Battle Creek.

1021 Wagner Drive
Battle Creek, Mi

Service Time



Suffering and the Christian Life

Suffering and the Christian Life

    Nov 07, 2021

    Passage: Acts 21:1-16

    Preacher: Dave Proulx

    Series: Acts

    Category: Suffering


    This Sunday, we will finally come to the end of Paul’s Third Missionary Journey around the Mediterranean world. You would think that after all that Paul did to spread the message of the gospel that what would be waiting for him at the end of this journey would be a parade, or a huge celebration, right? But instead, what Paul finds out through the Spirit, is that what waits for him instead is imprisonment and suffering. So what do we do with that? How do we handle passages like these that seem to fly in the face of what we would expect God to do for those who love Him and follow Jesus? And what can this passage teach us about our own view of suffering?
