

Phone: (269) 883-6417

Building Location

Our building is located on the Northeast side of Battle Creek.

1021 Wagner Drive
Battle Creek, Mi

Service Times




Glory Days

Glory Days

Feb 19, 2023

Passage: Ezra 3:1-13

Preacher: Dave Proulx

Series: Return, Rebuild, Restore

Category: Worship, Old Testament, Holy Spirit


For those of us who have been Christians for a long time, there may have been a particular church experience, or Small Group community, or pastor who had a profound impact on your walk with Jesus. Maybe even as I say that, something or someone in particular comes to mind. I imagine the Jewish people who were taken into Babylon as children may have had a similar experience in the Temple growing up. What would it be like for them to return to rebuild it? Would it ever live up to the expectations and memories they had of it as kids? What did God want to teach them through this experience?
